Wednesday, April 11, 2012

White Oak Sinks

I finally went to a place in the Park called White Oak Sinks.  It was really cool!  Saw lots of great flowers, a few caves (entrances only) and a waterfall.

Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum.

Here is a millipede, Sigmoria sp.  These milipedes smell like cherries when they you pick them up.  They curl up into a call and secrete a substance also found in cherries.  I was trying to find out exactly what it was
and I found several different answers.  Cyanic Acid?

Here is the same millipede when it isn't freaked out!

This rock has some of my favorite plants on it!  Stone crop, Sedum ternatum, is in bloom.  There are also two types of ferns: Walking Fern, Asplenium rhizophyllum, is the long skinny one that doesn't really look like a fern.  The second fern, I am tempted to call a Polypody Fern, Polypody sp., but now that I have a field guide in front of me, I am thinking it might be Resurrection  Fern, Pleopeltis polypodioides.  Next time I go out there I'll have to bring the fern book and take a closer look.

Here is a closer look at Stonecrop, Sedum ternatum.  it is very succulent and is usually found growing on rocks.

Sorry, I don't know what kind of snail this is...just a cute one!

Saw lots of Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum.

More Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum.

One of the many pathways leading to White Oak Sinks.

Here is another millipede, but this one does not smell like cherries.  Millipedes are great.  I can pick them up and don't have to worry about getting bitten.  Unlike centipedes which are poisonous carnivores, millipedes eat decaying leaves and help turn leaf litter into soil.  On each segment, they have two legs, where as centipedes only have one.

This was interesting.  I have heard that violets hybridize and I think this is what has happened here.  At first glance I thought it was Common Blue Violet, Viola sororia, but it may have hybridized with something else.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Quick Walk up Ash Hopper Branch

 Took a quick walk up Ashhopper Branch, the other day.  Unfortunately couldn't spend too much time, but saw a few cool plants!

Here is a Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum pedatum, uncurling its fronds.  This is one of my favorite ferns and it looks so funky as a fiddlehead!

Pennywort, Obolaria virginica, is a flower I've never seen before!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Frozen Head

So... this is not the Smokies, but it is still the southern Appalachians.  Last week on our days off, Kevin and I went to another wildflower hotspot that we had never visited before: Frozen Head State Park.  It was about 2 hours northwest from our house, and west of Knoxville.  What a cool park!

All the trails are dog-friendly so we were able to take our dogs on a great 8-mile hike up Panther Branch Trail and down North Old Mac Trail.  I counted about 40 species of wildflowers!

Here is a new Trillium species.  I am thinking it is Trillium cuneatum, Sweet Betsy or Toad Shade.  However the Trilliums are challenging and I haven't mastered them yet.  

Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum.

DeBord Falls, the first of two waterfalls on our hike.

Some sort of cool cup fungi.  Wish I knew more about fungus...someday!

Spotted Mandarin, Disporum maculatum.  In the Smokies I have seen Yellow Mandarin, but never

Luna Moth, Actias luna.

Large-flowered Bellwort, Uvularia grandiflora.

One of my hiking buddies.

My other hiking buddies.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum.

Trout Lily, Erythronium umbilicatum.

Never seen this one before.  It took me a while to figure out this is Cumberland Spurge, Euphorbia mercurialina.

Wood Violet leaf, Viola palmata

Sweet White Violets, Viola blanda.

Violet Wood Sorrel, Oxalis violacea.

Price's Wood Sorrel, Oxalis macrantha.


This Rue Anemone, Thalictrum thalictroides, had a strong pink hue to it, but only shows up faintly in this photo.

Other species I saw include:

Yellow Trillium, Trillium luteum
Large Flowered Trillium, Trillium grandiflorum
Vasey's Trillium, Trillium vaseyi
Long-spur Violet, Viola rostrata
Common Blue Violet, Viola sororia
Canada Violet, Viola canadensis
Yellow Woodland Violet, Viola pubescens
Halberd-leaved Violet, Viola hastata
Early Yellow Violet, Viola rotundifolia
Dwarf Crested Iris, Iris cristata
Wood Anemone, Anemone quinquefolia
Toothwort, Dentaria diphylla
Wild Ginger, Asarum canadense
Star Chickweed, Stellaria pubera
Blue Phlox, Phlox divaricata
Blue Cohosh, Caulophyllum thalictroides
Dwarf Ginseng, Panax trifolius
Early Meadow Rue, Thalictrum diocum
Squawroot, Conopholis americana
Foamflower, Tiarella cordifolia
Yellow Mandarin, Disporum lanuginosum
Smooth Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum biflorum
Solomon's Plume, Smilacina racemosa
Bishop's Cap, Mitella diphylla
Spring Beauty, Claytonia caroliniana
Little Brown Jug, Hexastyllis arifolia
Yellow Star Grass, Hypoxis hirsuta 

I also saw several buttercups and cinquefoils that I did not identify.

What an amazing place!